
Pregnancy Strengthen

Pregnancy Strengthen

Do you want to feel strong and powerful in pregnancy whilst getting your mind and body ready for birth and postpartum? #YesYouCan.

We know how it goes, somedays the energy levels are good, you can take on the world! Other days you aren’t sure if you can get out of bed or put on your own socks. This class will start with some core and pelvic floor connection and then move onto exercises focused on keeping your body in balance (because strength is just as important as length when it comes to birth and postpartum) as it transitions and prepares for your upcoming birth and postpartum.

Already feeling some niggles and aches? We will provide modifications as needed so that you get some movement in to help manage your symptoms and feel better! 

We will use weights for some exercises, feel free to have some weighted items nearby (like cans of food or bottles of water) if you don’t have dumbbells or ditch the weights altogether if it's feeling too hard ;-)