Birth & Beyond Webinars

Antenatal Classes

An eight-part online antenatal class series guiding you and your birth team through pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding

These classes were filmed during the Covid-19 lockdown to provide a free resource for parents-to-be. They are Auslan interpreted. Each class covers different topics to help you and your birth team prepare for birth and beyond.

I was in my first trimester when filming, so please forgive me if I am at times a little emotional, my thoughts aren’t quite succinct or I look like I may just vomit. I’m sure many of you can relate!

Pay what you can

Program Details

An eight-part online antenatal class series to guide you and your birth team through pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding.

Topics covered include:

Class one:

  • Early labour
  • Active labour
  • Hormones in labour
  • Non-pharmacological pain management techniques

Class two:

  • How your brain works in labour and addressing fear
  • Vaginal examinations
  • Monitoring baby
  • Waters breaking
  • Pharmacological pain management

Class three:

  • Augmentation of labour
  • The cascade of intervention
  • Factors that impact your labour and birth
  • Waterbirth birth
  • Positions and pushing
  • Tearing vs episiotomy and how to decrease your risk of them

Class four:

  • Quick chat on induction – more in class five
  • Recap on pushing and waterbirth
  • Your placenta – how it comes out and what to do with it
  • Cord clamping and tying
  • Stitches
  • Skin to skin contact and getting to know your body
  • Vacuum and forceps birth

Class five:

  • Non medical methods of induction
  • Medical induction of labour
  • Breech birth and ECV (external cephalic version)
  • Caesarean birth
  • Obstetric emergencies
  • Birth maps (as opposed to birth plans)

Class six:

  • Weeing and pooing post birth
  • Postnatal Blood Loss
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Nappies – disposable, cloth, what to expect
  • Baby Bath
  • Your Settling Magic Bag of Tricks

Class seven:

This class is all about breastfeeding.

Class eight:

  • Postnatal Depression
  • Suicidal Thoughts/Ideation
  • Domestic Violence
  • Financial Abuse
  • Relationship Issues
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • Co-Sleeping

Everything You Need for Your Antenatal Journey

Equip yourself with the tools designed to support your journey every step of the way. Explore our handpicked selection of items to help you prepare for labour, birth and beyond.

Feedback & Love

All your Core & Floor Antenatal Class questions answered here

Got questions about our antenatal classes? Whether you're wondering when to start, which course suits you best, or how to adapt the program to your needs, you'll find the answers here.

These classes are for anyone preparing for birth. Whether it’s your first baby or you’re looking for a refresher. They’re designed for pregnant people and their birth teams, including partners, support people, and anyone who wants to feel more informed and confident about birth and early parenthood.

Looking for pregnancy exercise programs?

My Pregnancy Program is suitable for any pregnant person no matter how early or far along you are. It’s never too late to prepare your body and mind for birth and postpartum.

You can choose to contribute what you can to support the running costs of these classes. If you’re unable to pay at this time, you’re welcome to access them for free - just select the $5.00 option and enter code FREE-ANTENATAL on checkout.

Once you sign up, you’ll receive an invitiation to Circle to access to all eight classes, which you can watch at your own pace.

The series covers everything from early labour to birth, pain management, interventions, postpartum recovery, newborn care and breastfeeding. You’ll find discussions on vaginal birth, cesarean birth, VBAC, birth positioning, medical interventions, skin-to-skin contact, nappies and much more.

Yes! Each class includes Auslan interpretation to ensure accessibility for the Deaf community.

These classes were filmed during the Covid-19 lockdown to provide a pay-what-you-can, accessible resource for parents-to-be. We believe that everyone deserves quality birth education, regardless of financial circumstances. Contributions help cover ongoing costs, but they are completely optional.

Yes, the information shared in these classes is based on current research, best practices and lived experience. The aim is to empower you with knowledge so you can make informed decisions about your birth and postpartum journey.

Because I was in my first trimester while filming! So if I seem a little emotional, lose my train of thought, or look slightly nauseous - you now know why. I’m sure many of you can relate!

Absolutely! These classes are designed to be watched with your birth team so they can learn alongside you and feel more confident in their support role.

Not at all! You can go through the full series or just watch the topics that feel most relevant to you.

Right here!

Here at Core & Floor Restore we have everything from one to one online sessions to exercise to community. Our one to one sessions are provided by our multidisciplinary team of midwives, physiotherapists and psychologists. We have recovery programs and live + on demand exercises classes. We also have parenting support in our online Village.