A “Secret Weapon” for labour and a tool loved by Midwives, Doulas and of course, Mamas alike.
This natural and very effective pain management tool helps women in labour by activating Gate Control Theory. This asserts that when painful stimuli (such as a contraction) is felt at the same time as non-painful stimuli (such as with this “handy” acupressure tool - pun definitely intended) pain signals are then limited from reaching the brain.
Labour pain management
Reflexology Comb for Labour + Birth made from eco friendly cellulose acetate (highly biodegradable)
Squeeze our comb instead of your partner/support persons hand which frees them up to tend to other areas (such as your back for a comforting massage)
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I was skeptical at using just a comb for pain relief. After testing out some Kmart ones I figured I would probably cut my hand due to the comb being so sharp. So I purchased this comb.
Let me tell you, it was an absolute life saver. The make of it is long and I did use both hands on it at one stage. The comb itself is beautiful and smooth and not one bit sharp. One thing that stayed with me from start to finish of labour. Even my husbands fingers couldn’t handle my squeeze.
Even my acupuncturist recommended I use one!!
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A “Secret Weapon” for labour and a tool loved by Midwives, Doulas and of course, Mamas alike.
This natural and very effective pain management tool helps women in labour by activating Gate Control Theory. This asserts that when painful stimuli (such as a contraction) is felt at the same time as non-painful stimuli (such as with this “handy” acupressure tool - pun definitely intended) pain signals are then limited from reaching the brain.
Labour pain management
Reflexology Comb for Labour + Birth made from eco friendly cellulose acetate (highly biodegradable)
Squeeze our comb instead of your partner/support persons hand which frees them up to tend to other areas (such as your back for a comforting massage)