
Core & Floor Restore Program

Restore your core and pelvic floor with our guided exercise program.

If you are looking to heal, feel stronger, restore your core and pelvic floor and return to exercises you love, this is the program for you! Restore your core and pelvic floor with knowledge and exercise.

Over 8 modules (weeks) you will learn how to correctly activate, repair and strengthen your body.

12 months access

Program Details & Preparation

  • An 8 week step by step video program (theory and exercise videos) to strengthen your core & pelvic floor
  • Access to the program for three years
  • Welcome video to get you started
  • Online kick-off assessment survey (to establish and measure your progress) + a wrap-up survey to see your results (yay!)
  • PDF downloads and summaries on the theory behind the program
  • 30+ theory-based videos to guide and build foundation
  • More than 4.5 hours of exercise instruction over 8 weeks
  • Modifications for every level – each exercise is broken down in its own video to explain how to choose the progression that’s right for you!
  • Accountability bar – as you complete each video watch your progress bar build and finally hit 100% (if that's your thing ;-)).
  • Community forum to keep you connected with other restorers
  • Motivational emails straight to your inbox to remind and support you
  • A self-paced flexible program (it doesn’t have to be 8 weeks) so you can re-set any time
  • List of equipment you’ll need
  • A program to complete in the comfort of your own home, in your own time, and around your schedule!
  • Understanding your core
  • Diastasis Recti explained
  • Diastasis Recti self-check
  • Understanding your pelvic floor
  • Pelvic floor self-check
  • The diaphragmatic breath
  • Correct core and pelvic floor activation
  • What exercises are safe
  • Finding neutral pelvis
  • Pooing
  • Posture
  • Postural self-check and exercises
  • Functional movement
  • Muscle lengthening
  • Bonus videos if you need some more help
  • 25 different exercises specific to core, pelvic floor and glute health

This program is for every woman no matter your life stage

  • Planning to have children (Preconception)
  • Any age, ability or life position
  • Postnatal (regardless of how old your children are)
  • Diagnosed with diastasis recti, incontinence, pelvic floor tension or prolapse
  • Experiencing back pain, hip pain or instability
  • Wanting to return to the exercises you love, feeling stronger than before
  • Wanting to tone up and lose weight

Please note, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on equipment for my programs. If you don’t have specialised equipment, household items will do the same job; use cans as weights, a towel in place of a resistance band and a kid’s ball instead of a Pilates ball. 

For those wanting to purchase environmentally friendly, long-lasting products, I’ve connected with products I love, by small businesses whose philosophies align with mine. 

Remember, if you are just starting out, START SOFT… use a soft roller and tennis ball and then progress to a harder cork roller and cork ball or spiky ball.

Pregnancy Equipment List:

Everything You Need for Your Journey

Equip yourself with the tools designed to support your progress every step of the way. Explore our handpicked selection of items to help you prepare and succeed.

Feedback & Love

All your Core & Floor questions answered here

Got questions about our programs? Whether you're wondering when to start, which course suits you best, or how to adapt the program to your needs, you'll find the answers here.

It depends on what life stage you’re at. 

My Pregnancy Program is suitable for any pregnant person no matter how early or far along you are. It’s never too late to prepare your body and mind for birth and postpartum.

My Restore Program is a great place to start your postpartum healing journey. Remember, postpartum has no expiry date! Regardless of your age, or your child’s age – it’s never too late to start healing your core and floor. This program is also suitable for people in their preconception period. 

If you have experienced a loss of a babe, I am sorry. My program is suitable for you physically. You may not find the language appropriate though, as I talk a little about having a live baby. I apologise for this. I am working on a new program specifically for people who have lost a babe. My thoughts and love are with you. 

My Strengthen Program is the perfect follow on from my Restore Program. This program works to build further strength in your core, pelvic floor and the rest of your body. We work much more on harder core exercises here and overall fitness. Please start with my Restore program, even if you have a base level of strength, knowledge or both. My Restore program is less about exercise and more about my techniques to control intra-abdominal pressure (the foundation of Core + Floor). And then how to apply it to exercise and functional movement to prevent further core and floor damage. Having the foundational knowledge my Restore program teaches, is key to successfully completing Strengthen and getting back to exercises and activities you love.  

Bundle up the programs and save! You have access to the programs for three years from purchase, so check out my program packages and save up to $98 

You do not need to wait six weeks to start your restorative exercises! Protecting yourself and managing your issues, so they don’t get worse, begins from birth. 

As long as you don’t have a catheter in, you can start the Restore Program as soon as you feel up to it. You don’t need to wait for your six week check. This is because from the day you give birth, you are engaging in functional movement. Whether that’s getting out of bed or picking your baby up from the floor. Learning safe ways to do these functional, daily movements and build your strength at the same time, is key to ensuring you don’t cause yourself injury in the postpartum period. 

So, if you feel up to starting the restore program at two weeks postpartum or would like to wait a few months, that is up to you. Please take it sloooooooow and stay on a module for as long as you need. If you progress and it doesn’t feel right, take it back a module. Pain is your body’s way of saying “hello, something isn’t ok here”.

Please listen to your body and see a health professional if you are concerned. You can find some epic health care providers in my directory. 

If you are finding your postpartum period particularly difficult, or would like to chat about your individual pelvic floor, prolapse or core, you can book in a one-one-one session with B to chat through a safe plan and answer any questions you might have.

You do not need to wait six weeks to start your restorative exercises! Protecting yourself and managing your issues, so they don’t get worse, begins from birth. 

As long as you don’t have a catheter in, you can start the Restore Program as soon as you feel up to it. You don’t need to wait for your six week check. This is because from the day you give birth, you are engaging in functional movement. Whether that’s getting out of bed or picking your baby up from the floor. Learning safe ways to do these functional, daily movements and build your strength at the same time, is key to ensuring you don’t cause yourself injury in the postpartum period. 

So, if you feel up to starting the restore program at two weeks postpartum or would like to wait a few months, that is up to you. Please take it sloooooooow and stay on a module for as long as you need. If you progress and it doesn’t feel right, take it back a module. Pain is your body’s way of saying “hello, something isn’t ok here”.

Please listen to your body and see a health professional if you are concerned. You can find some epic health care providers in my directory. 

If you are finding your postpartum period particularly difficult, or would like to chat about your individual pelvic floor, prolapse or core, you can book in a one-one-one session with B to chat through a safe plan and answer any questions you might have.

It’s never too late to mentally and physically prepare yourself for birth and postpartum. Even a couple of weeks of preparation will help put you in a better position for a positive birth and better recovery.

The techniques we use in the Pregnancy program to protect and prepare are the same techniques we use post birth to heal and Restore. 

Learning these techniques in pregnancy means you can transition into the postnatal period with the knowledge and skills to protect yourself from further damage (as what often happens in postpartum) and get straight into healing. 

My program focuses on ensuring you are moving and exercising the best way possible.

Learning this in pregnancy means you can implement these moves from day one post birth. It’s also much easier to learn these techniques whilst pregnant then it is to learn them whilst navigating sleep deprived postpartum land. 

Whilst the techniques used in my Pregnancy and Restore programs are the same, the programs and exercise are completely different. They are specifically tailored to each life stage and the exercises and layout of each is very different for this reason.

I recommend using the Pregnancy program whilst pregnant and the Restore program post birth and preconception. Purchase them together and save $50. 

Once you have completed the Restore program, you can head back to the pregnancy program and use the epic workout videos to strengthen and get more use out of the program (or progress onto Strengthen which is more suited to building postnatal core strength). 

Absolutely! The program has a specific pelvic floor lengthening section in it with information and exercises to help you release that floor. It also has a specific muscle lengthening section for other muscles. This is because tightness inhibits a muscle and its surrounding muscles from working effectively.  

Weakness and tightness are often seen as opposite things when in fact a muscle that is tight is also often weak. 

The course is designed to train your muscles to work correctly. Contract when needed, rest when not required, lengthen as needed. For example the pelvic floor needs to contract prior to and during a sneeze or cough, relax and chill when you are and lengthen during birth to enable your babe to pass through.  

All of my programs have access to this section and there are pregnancy and postpartum specific pelvic floor lengthening videos. 

Are your programs suitable for people with prolapse?

It sure is.

It’s slow and gentle at the start and your mind will get a bigger workout than your body initially. Set your own pace, progress at your own speed and get in touch with B if you have any questions. 

Absolutely not. Recently, I worked with a 93 year old client. Yep – you read that correctly! It is never too late to start healing. You do not have to live with your symptoms. Whilst pelvic floor, core and prolapse problems are common, they are not normal. You do not have to continue putting up with them, even if you’ve learned to live with them for forty or more years. Let me help you start reducing those symptoms and get you back doing the things you love.

Please start with my Restore program, even if you have a base level of strength, knowledge or both. My Restore program is less about exercise and more about my techniques to control intra-abdominal pressure (the foundation of Core + Floor) and apply it to exercise and functional movement to prevent further core and floor damage.

Having the foundational knowledge my Restore program teaches, is key to successfully completing Strengthen and getting back to exercises and activities you love.  You can add my techniques to any exercise you undertake. 

Bundle up the programs and save! You have access to the programs for two years from purchase, so check out my program packages and save up to $98

I do have a provider number so most people can claim their course through their private healthfunds. Please email us and we will arrange a receipt for you ;-) yay for more money back!

You sure can!

My Pregnancy Program has a PGP specific section just for you. It contains information and workouts to help you manage your symptoms and get through your day with a little more ease #Wouldn’tThatBeNice. 

I have experienced PGP in both of my pregnancies so I know first hand how debilitating it is. I also know what it feels like to exercise with it and what feels good and what doesn’t. My PGP pain during my second pregnancy was nowhere near as bad as it was with my first. This is because I had my knowledge of Core + Floor and used my program to manage my symptoms. 

Everything is through Kajabi so you can watch my programs on your mobile, iPad, laptop, desktop and TV. 

If you have a Smart TV, you just need to use your internet browser.

If you don’t have a TV you can use ChromeCast or Apple TV if you have either of those or a HDMI cable.