Preparing for labour and birth

Birth preparation helps you to see labour and birth as a process, not an
outcome. Birth is the most transformative experience you will go through. Preparation builds confidence and trust in your body, mind and support team, meaning you can labour and birth in line with your instincts, and needs.

With self confidence and trust, you emerge on the other side with compassion for yourself and how you birthed.

Preparing your pelvic space for birth Webinar

Book a Birth Preparation Chat

Labour & Birth Books & Resources

Preparing your pelvic space for birth and the lowdown on pushing your babe out

Preparing your pelvic space for birth and the lowdown on pushing your babe out

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This live webinar is now available online. Binge it here

After this epic two- and half-hour session you will:

  • Understand your birthing body better with basic anatomy
  • Learn how the pelvic space functions during birth
  • Gain practical tips for you and your birth support people to prepare your body for birth
  • Understand how to best facilitate physiological birth
  • Discover effective ways to reduce birth and postpartum trauma

This online workshop is suitable for pregnant people, partners, birth support people and birth workers (midwives, doulas, doctors). 

You will have access to this webinar, via our app, along with all our other webinars (including those already recorded and those planned for the future) for the duration of your webinar subscription (either 14 days, 3 months or 1 year).

You can also check out Birth Time: The Documentary that explores why so many women are exposed to physical and emotional trauma during birth.
Watch it here with my discount code: CICADA20

Subscription Length

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
S.E. (Sydney, AU)
Antenatal class

Just completed the antenatal class - got a lot out of it and feeling confident as a first time pregnant lady. B is great at explaining things in laymen’s terms and dives deep into all the details. I would say if you are interested in the options of intervention, this doesn’t cover them in a positive light, so you will need to seek further education elsewhere. However overall definitely worth doing, especially considering it’s generously uncharged. Got me inspired to learn more about breastfeeding during pregnancy and not leave that to a sleep deprived state, and to invest more time prepping for postpartum.

Paloma Rubio (Melbourne, AU)
Epicness all around!

I just watched the webinar for student midwives and I absolutely loved it. I am so willing to be part of whatever you B is planning for July to support students on a more ongoing basis :) Just putting it out there haha
I start midwifery in a couple of weeks and the webinar has really helped me reflect on the stories I was telling myself, questioning if they were true and if they were serving me. Tomorrow morning I am writing down new stories that serve me and I will find the evidence to confirm them.
This webinar was so much more than I expected. While I expected practical, easy tips such as “sign up to ACM” or “find your people” (which there was a lot of these too), there was also a more in depth work of your own emotional responsibility and that is what I didn’t know I needed but I absolutely did.
Thank you SO much.

Anonymous (Lawson, AU)
Epic practical information and emotional healing

I wish all women with prolapse could listen to the prolapse webinar! So many nuggets but the big one for me was realising that so many women have asymptomatic prolapse. For the first time I actually feel grateful for my symptoms, because they have been leading me to make some really big, good changes. I feel hopeful and at peace with my body for the first time in months. I was also able to let go of some sadness and regret about my birth story, because I now realise how much of what unfolded in the birth was actually already present in my body, I just couldn't see it yet. We can't know what we don't know yet, and we aren't ready for something new until suddenly we are!

In my birth I struggled to stay present with my body once the birth stopped unfolding the way I wanted it to. I've realised that although I don't want to have this prolapse, every day I get to practise staying present with my body in what is actually happening, not what I want to be happening. Thank you B for giving me more understanding and healing in 2 hours than months of physio visits!

Antenatal Classes

Get access to classes 2-8 for free here.

An eight-part online antenatal class series to guide you and your birth team through pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding.

These classes were filmed during the Covid-19 lockdown to provide a free resource for parents-to-be. They are Auslan interpreted. Each class covers different topics to help you and your birth team prepare for birth and beyond.

Bare Mum
The Complete Recovery Care Kit

From perineum swelling to stitches care, this carefully curated kit has all the essentials to support healing after a vaginal birth.

This care kit has the basic essentials to make your postpartum recovery a comfortable one. It covers every type of birth, can go straight into your hospital bag, and makes the perfect gift for new mums.

Thoughtfully designed
Natural & Organic
Pain relieving
OBGYN & Midwife Approved

Nervous about labour and birth?

How about a Birth Preparation Chat or Birth Debrief?

Birth Preparation Chats: Feel mentally and emotionally confident for labour and birth. We go through all aspects of your upcoming labour and give you the emotional and practical tools you need to create an epic birth experience that is right for you!

Birth Debrief: Tell and honour your birth story. Every birth, regardless of where it happens or how, is transformative. Every birth story deserves to be heard. There is no criteria here, your story matters.

Birth debriefs and chats can be combined into one session. However, often we won't have enough time to truly honour past births and prepare for future births. Given my current wait times, I recommend booking two subsequent sessions if you feel like you may need more time to work through your story.

How to have an EPIC birth

I’ve put together some fundamentals on how to have an epic labour and birth in this free download. I cover the basics to help you set yourself up for your best birth possible. Download it free here.

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