Heal & Transform

Live Classes

Live Classes

Pregnancy Nourishment
This class is specifically designed for those with a babe inside but can be enjoyed by anyone. A mixture of Yoga, Pilates and Breathwork this class is intentionally sequenced to create balance in the tissues supporting the spine and pelvis...
Pregnancy Strengthen
Do you want to feel strong and powerful in pregnancy whilst getting your mind and body ready for birth and postpartum? #YesYouCan. We know how it goes, somedays the energy levels are good, you can take on the world! Other days...
Core & Floor Breathe
A class everyone needs for nervous system balance and deep core function. In this class we will connect deeply to our breath practicing 360 breathing and connecting to both our respiratory diaphragm (breathing muscle) and pelvic diaphragm (pelvic floor).
Core & Floor Lengthen
Hypertonic or hypertensive pelvic floor? Stiff neck and shoulders? Tight, stressed out mind and/or body? Need some help to relax it all? From your jaw to your pelvic floor and all that’s in between… this class has you covered! It’s...
Core & Floor Connection
Healing from core and pelvic floor issues? In early postpartum? Needing some postural love? New or returning to exercise and movement? Or just wanting to get back to basics and explore body connection? These sessions slow it down and enable...
Morning and Evening Yoga
Join Alice for yoga, morning, evening or both. Alice teaches a multi-genre style of yoga, sometimes challenging bits, sometimes melty bits, all designed to get you out of your head and into your body, to recenter yourself, to speak to...
Moon Yoga
Yoga for your Moon Cycle. This class will vary in movement style throughout the month. Full Moon we will embrace Yang Energy and move more vigorously. Dark Moon we will embrace Yin Energy and find restorative shapes. If you are...
Pilates Fusion
This class involves pilates-inspired exercises blended with clinical exercise prescription with the post-partum journey in mind. 
Core & Floor Strengthen
Already have a foundational level of fitness and core/pelvic floor connection? Then these Strengthen classes are for you. We work the whole body to build strength through bodyweight exercise, pelvic floor friendly cardio, and a bit of sweat and burn...
Power Pilates
A bodyweight-based Pilates class with a focus on core connection, stability and strength. Layered movements and classic Pilates exercises will get your muscles burning in all the right places. 
Rage Sessions
Anger needs movement, it loves it. It's why our children want to hit, bite, kick, stomp and do all the body things when they feel it. And we are no different.  Except we are ;-)  So come, let's get a...
Back to cardio
We’ve created this class to support you on your journey back to high impact movement (running, sports, jumping in the trampoline etc). The sessions will be a blend of progressing exercises from low impact to high impact (think squat to...