Antoneth is available for

Birth Debrief

An opportunity for you to tell and honour your birth story. To unpack how it happened and why certain decisions were made. I believe every brith deserves it's story to be heard. There is no criteria here, your story is valid and worth hearing.

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Birth Preparation

Birth preparation is the process of mentally readying yourself for birth. There are many things you can do and think about to give yourself a positive, empowering birth experience. I am a highly experienced midwife in both hospital and home birth settings. I would love to help you prepare for your upcoming birth.

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Core & Floor Chats

Struggling with the head fuckery that comes with core and pelvic floor issues? Not sure what's going on for you or where to start? Needing to just tell someone your story so that you can work through it? Never fear, I am here and there isn't an issue I haven't heard about when it comes to this space. Come chat with me and let's get you started on your healing journey.

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